Sunday 10 March 2013

The Last Post

One of the many monikers I have adopted for myself is that of Harry the hyperactive arachnid, in recognition of the many little blogs and other web-based projects that I am involved with. The time I spend working on these projects could or should be spent doing stuff around the house and in the garden. In fact, tending to my blogs and web-sites is very much like being a gardener - tidying up, a bit of weeding, planting new flowers, cross-pollinating and constant nurturing. Sadly, being a virtual gardener does nothing to improve the state of the encroaching jungle at my back door. Previous posts have talked about the giraffes and zebras that are probably grazing at the end of the garden, and I dare not think about what might be lurking in the long grass.

Also, not many people seem to stop by to admire my blooms, so I am often left wondering why I do it. I think an important factor is that it provides an outlet for my creativity, a part of my being and soul which would otherwise wither in the workplace.

With spring just around the corner, it is a good time to engage in a bit of virtual landscape gardening. To this end, I am exporting this blog to my posh blog so as to make maintenance and future growth more manageable and efficient. I had this idea all by myself, without any input from a management consultant. I must be getting quite grown-up now.

So, despite the valedictory tone of this post, you can continue to be amused, enlightened and edified (but not necessarily in that order or in equal measures) by following me to Wistful and Wry with a Twist of Lemon, also known as my posh blog, where I will continue to make mostly daily posts in a range of hues and of variable quality. Sometimes there is not enough rain, sometimes the frost is cruel, and there are some damp and shady places from whence strangeness may come...

And finally, for this blog, a BIG THANK YOU  you to everyone who helped me raise funds for Cancer Research UK by sponsoring my month of abstinence. I raised £52 through contributions and matched this amount with the money I saved by not buying wine.

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